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The Very End
S3 licensed
My first tries on the thing, and I'm doing 6minutes +++ lolz... (in lotus 49)... for fuks sake guys, you should try to encurrage the newbs god damnit!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Blade3562 :Yeah that's out of your budget by a lot. I can't think of any tracks other than the Petty one at Disney World where you can drive a car on a track that isn't yours. There are rare circuit days but they are $200 and up per person per car per session.

It was $100 for me to take my mini to Nelson Ledges which is our local track. Plus Feb/Mar is way before the season.

And how long is a session, 30 mins, 1 hour, more?
Ideal would be a track with offered some cars, guess the rent car company won't be happy if I told them I was going for a roadtrip and aswell use the car on a track
The Very End
S3 licensed
My god, that Lotus F1 car is mad! But fun too!
I trying to get the 1.29 on Monza 69 with it (special event), but I can't reach it haha! Keep getting stuck on 1.30 laps! Any ideas? Setup changes or do I just suck that bad?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from dekojester :Indianapolis Motor Speedway Hall of Fame & Museum admission is only $5.

Nice! How far are those from, lets say SA?
And how much would you have to pay to actually take a car out on a track in America? We don't have that here, and I would gladly pay quite a bit to take out any car on a track!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Fordman :You did that in the UK, and look what happened ROFL


The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Forbin :Come visit sunny Pittsburgh instead.

Haha, if we are going down to America (it's still in planning phaze), it would be fun seeing some of the faces from this forum! Maybe just over a cofee cup or a beer, or maybe a propper pub round or something! :]
The Very End
S3 licensed

Thanks for the effort
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :San Fran is great, especially if you love food. If I were you, what I'd do is:

1. Fly in to SF, spend a day or two wandering around/eating/taking in the sights.
2. Rent a car, drive up the coast to Seattle.
3. Check out Seattle for a day or two. Also awesome food, nice scenery around the city, etc.
4. Cross the border and visit Vancouver—awesome city.
5. Drive back, hit Portland, Oregon, on the way.
6. Drive from Portland to Yosemite National Park in northern California.
7. Drive from Yosemite back to San Fran.
8. Fly out.

Car rentals aren't cheap, but they're pretty affordable ($200ish a week for a little econobox if you shop online).

An Australian guy on another board I post on just planned a similar trip, except he's going from LA to the east coast on a two-month-long road trip. You can check out his planning thread here.

I believe Scott Andrews (DuCK) just did a long trip to the US, including San Fran, a couple months ago. He might be able to give you some advice, too.

Good luck! Should be fun.

That was a very usefull summary, thanks a lot
About the prize for renting a car, 200 each week seems fair, we will at least be two people sharing the bill, maybe more, so it's ok. Hows the petrol prices down there these days? And please use dollar pr. liter, and not gallons, I have no clue what a gallon is
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Nadeo4441 :I'm sorry. But actually the Slovak girls are beautiful. (not all of them of course)

I'm just full of shit And I agree, there are a lot of nice looking ladies down in those countries. Too bad they seem to age really poorly, due to the living standards :/
The Very End
S3 licensed
Dunno, I once screwed a slovakian, and I could not tell if the thing was a lady with mustache or a man. Either way, screwed like a champion.
I like Slovakians!
The Very End
S3 licensed
What the helll did Norway do to deserve these nice words?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Well I'll think I leave that outfit home
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Now you're sounding like ignorant American. "How far is the flight from San Francisco to California".

You'll fit right in!

Haha! But if it's like 10 more hours its meh ;p But maybe I should do both? Some days in SF and then fly to California?

Quote from Racer X NZ :Rule 1, You are a terrorist and a threat to the American way

Rule 2, You are not from America, see rule 1.

Rule 3, See rule 1

Rule 4, "y'all have fun now, ya hear........"

Rule 5, Never disagree with anyone with a gun, they really are stupid enough to use it to support rules 1 to 4.

Suggestion 1, watch everything that George Carlin ever did, this will educate you about Americans, and, yes, it's all unfortunately true.

Suggestion 2, go anywhere that doesn't have as many people with guns, even Australia is safer, and all the wildlife there wants to kill and eat you.........

But them spiders...THEM ****ING SPIDERS in Australia! They'll eat elephant for breakfast!

EDit: LOL... fuk me... seriously... California is ofc. the state / region not a specially little place...jesus fcking christ... So much for geography.. Blergh...
But well, you would advice Florida?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Well thanks for the tips guys

The reason why we first though of going to SF is because of the travvel time and prize. The shortest time to get there is 15 hours each way.

How long of a flight trip, and prize, would it cost to fly from SF to California? My google just gives so much shit these days, due to me porn search historie, that all I find is brazzer videos and useless blog pages... >.<

Lol, gay capital you say? Well, alltho most of you think I am, tho I'm not - I don't have anything against gay people. But I must admit that a gay bar probally would be just a tad too much for me to handle. Would probally get raped there since I'm a sexy beast!

As I am 26 I guess renting a car is not a problem. Are there some things I should look out for? Are there some contacts with small letters that I should try to avoid, or are most companies safe?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Great, I'll write it down in my "book of usefull information", thank you son of internet!
Question about travveling, USA
The Very End
S3 licensed
Hey there!

Me and a pal have desided that we might take a two week trip to America in 2014. The date will be around march-feb, since that is the time we usually can get off work without problems aswell as reasonable prices.

Some questions tho:
1: What is the climbate / temperature in San Francisco around that time? I tried some googling, but avarage temperatures is meh, how it feeels? Can I walk around with a short and look like a pedofile tourist or must I walk around with polar suit and hate my life?

2: When in SF, is it safe / economic to rent a car and drive? We planning to take a really long road trip and see different places on the trip, and not beeing too bound to one place.

3: If we eventually get there, what are the DO and DO NOT down there? There allways are some culture differences and I'm sure as hell will make some mistake if I don't get some sort of guidelines how people actually behave over there. This of course is not meant to be offensive, but I have never been in America and I don't want to be banned from the country or even better - beeing sued for some things I did not understand.

Let your knowlege (or if I know LFS Forum right), shit run good in this topic!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :what card?

and system? It's probably somewhere on the forum but I don't feel like looking

Linking everything, see attachment.
Updated my graphic card drivers last week.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from ball bearing turbo :i don't think you need rbr.

And about the lighting tve do you have a dx10 or dx11 card?

dx11 :/
The Very End
S3 licensed

About the time, even if I force the time cycle off, it doesn't matter. I can "freeze" the time at noon, at the evening and I get 15-20 FPS, but jumps back and forth up and down, sometimes it goes back to 60+.

Did a test, lowered the settings and drove with 100+ FPS constant, changed to noon - 28 FPS... come on... is it really demanding 3x of the computer just to simulate noon light?
The Very End
S3 licensed
So what happend?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :Kunos' answer about the default setting was just them saying that they assumed nVidia / AMD would know what the setting should be (in their drivers) so AC just leaves it at default instead of over-riding it.

Unforunately the drivers usually have it at 3 pre-rendered frames.

Tor, this is simply to keep the graphics cards working pumping out frames before they are displayed (in case the CPU is busy and can't send them all smoothly basically) What that does is generally make your frame rate less sporadic. IE instead of jumping around from 80 to 40 and everything in between, it would be more stable like 60 to 80. However when frames are rendered but not displayed yet, there's a graphics lag that occurs and doesn't matter in most games but in sims it's very noticeable.

The number is how many frames the graphics card is allowed to render in advance, and 3 frames pre-rendered is too much for a sim. I hope this helps!

edit: also the setting in the DX11 AC file is at 0 by default which means "leave it to the drivers to decide". If you change the number, it forces that number of pre-rendered frames and over rides the drivers.

So you can either change it in the drivers and leave the DX11 file alone, or you can change it in the DX11 file to force it there. Either way works.

Thanks for the solid answer

A other question, I struggle with evening driving! I got good FPS (60+) all the time, but the second it becomes evening the strutter starts and FPS as low as down in the 20s ... I don't know if it's graphics settings or what, but it goes straight to hell the second the evening mood starts... any ideas?

Edit: Also, where do you see what the top lap times of a combo is? I am hopeless confused how I perform
The Very End
S3 licensed
How can it be our fault? Installed game, did nothing to it, somehow I broke it... is that what you are saying?
Or you meant it as a joke, proving a point that they might be a little hostile to the community?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Thanks for the info
But how does the thing work in AC? Even if the effect should create smoother picture/movements, it just seemed like everything was so slow compared to having the effect on 1 (was 0 before) ?

Just curious basically, since other forums will just link a lot of techically mumbo-jumbo, while you people seem to understand what it actually is. (I am a fan of "if you canot explain something well, you don't understand it yourself", meaning everyone can link some technical shizzle, while the ones that knows actually can desribe it for a retard like me)
The Very End
S3 licensed
So basically he/they don't know? Either way, since we can fix it ourself it's not much of a biggie, but the problem is everyone that tries it and sillently thinks it's strange and leaves without asking what's wrong. At least for me the game felt somewhat sluggish and slow in it movements, and now it's really responsive and great.

Seems Im not the only one with that feel, or?
Movie project / thing (not by me), Kung Fury
The Very End
S3 licensed
So, well I stumbled across THIS ...
Jesus christ lol... Kung Fürer made me giggle my food all over screen. This is simply a messed up and fun thingy! Support it by the way!


Edit: It's a swedish project it seems, that would explain everything... fcking bastards ^^
Last edited by The Very End, .